I hope you have had a good bank holiday week.  It’s madness really as we tend to cram five days’ work into four.

As we slowly move towards indoor dining, green light holiday destinations and a gradual return to offices, we thought it would be useful to share this excellent reminder of the various business support that is available.  Croner (terrible name for a business) provide us with technical support and our fee protection service.  Please do look at the attachment if you still need support.


This is going to be a tax hot potato in the coming two tax years.  There have been 4 grants to date, and each has different qualifying criteria.  The 5th grant is the trickiest to deal with.  At some point HMRC may well challenge the validity of claims and it is strongly advised that you have a diary or some form of notes on your personal reflections around making the claim.  Without this, when HMRC ask you in 12-24 months’ time, why you claimed the grant you may struggle to justify the rationale.


This is another area that is going to keep HMRC busy.  So far, they have received 40,000 calls to their confidential hotline, where employees are reporting abuse of the claims process. It is vital that you keep accurate employee records.


Over the coming weeks we aim to gradually bring the team back to the offices.  Thank you for you continued patience and understanding and we look forward to hopefully seeing you at The Green or St George’s Work in the near future.

Remember that we are here to help.